Bundle of 7 Books That Serve As Useful Research Foundations for New Attorneys, Legal Assistants, and Law Clerks. They Also Make Handy Reference Guides for Seasoned Attorneys.
This is a complete resource covering all the practical tips needed to guide clients in forming and operating partnerships.
This course examines how arbitration clauses have evolved over the years, specifically how the enforceability of arbitration clauses has fallen under increased scrutiny. The trends are examined from a federal level as well as state level, in terms of specific legislation and court decisions that have influenced the enforceability of arbitration clauses.
Recent changes in independent contractor law, including stricter penalties for misclassification and evolving rules on restrictive covenants, could significantly impact businesses. The program explores these developments and their real-world implications for employers, emphasizing the importance of compliance.
Disclosing entity ownership to FinCEN seems simple enough, but the practicalities of the information required and important definitions, such as “beneficial owner,” merit a deeper dive into the disclosures required by the Corporate Transparency Act.
This handbook is a complete guide to the organization, formation, operation, and dissolution of not-for-profit corporations.
Advising clients on the purchase or sale of small to mid-size businesses requires responsiveness to the businesses’ market positions and the unique needs of both buyers and sellers.
This practical resource guides attorneys representing businesses on matters such as securities, franchising, trade secrets, and intellectual property rights.
MCLE Complete is your complete solution to fulfilling MCLE requirements. We've taken 30+ pre-selected hours of the best IICLE® programs in your practice area and combined them in one bundle for one affordable price.
This comprehensive resource provides step-by-step guidance for attorneys and other professionals dealing with causes of action in contracts and business disputes.
This course provides an introduction and overview of Illinois’ Cannabis Regulation & Tax Act. It includes a discussion of some of the issues faced by the state, and prospective businesses, in implementing the law, as well as a general outline of what the law includes.
In addition to contrasting the benefits and drawbacks of out-of-court UCC Article 9 sales and in-court Section 363 sales, the presenters reflect on their experience with insolvency and restructuring to explain the need for collaborative and diverse teams when handling distressed businesses as going concerns.
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