
Enforceability of Arbitration Claims

This course examines how arbitration clauses have evolved over the years, specifically how the enforceability of arbitration clauses has fallen under increased scrutiny. The trends are examined from a federal level as well as state level, in terms of specific legislation and court decisions that have influenced the enforceability of arbitration clauses.
Credits: 1 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
$60.00 or 1.00 credits
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This course examines how arbitration clauses have evolved over the years, specifically how the enforceability of arbitration clauses has fallen under increased scrutiny. The trends are examined from a federal level as well as state level, in terms of specific legislation and court decisions that have influenced the enforceability of arbitration clauses.

Steve Ruffalo, Fuchs & Roselli, Ltd., Chicago

Marty Dolan, Dolan Law Offices, Chicago

Expires: 11/1/26

This course examines how arbitration clauses have evolved over the years, specifically how the enforceability of arbitration clauses has fallen under increased scrutiny. The trends are examined from a federal level as well as state level, in terms of specific legislation and court decisions that have influenced the enforceability of arbitration clauses.

Steve Ruffalo, Fuchs & Roselli, Ltd., Chicago

Marty Dolan, Dolan Law Offices, Chicago

Expires: 11/1/26

Products specifications
Program Date11/14/24
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