Competition Deadline: December 1, 2024
The Willis R. Tribler Law Student Writing Competition was created to showcase law students in Illinois (and surrounding states) with exceptional writing capabilities to IICLE®’s wide network of Illinois attorneys and to introduce IICLE® to law students to foster a relationship that we hope will continue throughout their careers. Entries will be judged by a committee comprised of members of IICLE® staff and professional editorial team.
The first-place winning entry will be awarded a $350 prize and published in a future edition of FLASHPOINTS, IICLE®’s monthly e-newsletter featuring updates in several practice areas.
FLASHPOINTS boasts a subscriber base of over 11,300 Illinois attorneys, making this an ideal opportunity for the winning entries to achieve a prestigious curriculum vitae enhancement. The second and third place winners will have links to their articles published on the Law Student Resource page on the IICLE® website.
Please direct any questions or comments to or call 217-787-2080.
The Willis R. Tribler Law Student Writing Competition is conducted in memory of Willis R. Tribler. Mr. Tribler served IICLE® in a variety of capacities over several years as a volunteer author, speaker, member and Chairman (1992 - 1993) of the IICLE® Board of Directors. He also was the 1994 recipient of our prestigious Addis E. Hull Award. Mr. Tribler, who was a founding member and senior partner of the Chicago law firm of Tribler Orpett & Meyer, greatly valued excellence in legal writing. He mentored multiple attorneys over the years and recruited several IICLE® volunteers. His abundant contributions to IICLE® were invaluable, and he is fondly remembered by staff, volunteers, and former colleagues alike.
Thank you for your interest in the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education’s Willis R. Tribler Law Student Writing Competition. IICLE® is an independent not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to the professional development of Illinois attorneys. We accomplish our mission through the publication of comprehensive practice handbooks; the presentation of continuing legal education programs; and the continued development and maintenance of additional legal resources designed to enhance Illinois law practice. Since 1961, hundreds of volunteer attorneys have contributed their time and talent to developing IICLE® resources annually. The publishing division of IICLE® maintains a library of over 140 handbooks covering numerous practice areas and circulates a complimentary monthly e-newsletter filled with articles about the most recent developments in Illinois law. These resources are created by Illinois attorneys, for Illinois attorneys