
What Constitutes a Substantial Change in Circumstances?

Learn about the substantial change in circumstances standard for modification of child support and how this standard is applied by the courts.
Credits: 0.75 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
SKU: P9000-22E-04X
$60.00 or 0.75 credits
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John M. D’Arco, Beermann LLP, Chicago 
Michael F. Koenigsberger, Dussias Wittenberg Koenigsberger LLP, Chicago

Expires 09/30/2024


John M. D’Arco, Beermann LLP, Chicago 
Michael F. Koenigsberger, Dussias Wittenberg Koenigsberger LLP, Chicago

Expires 09/30/2024

Products specifications
Program Date1/17/2022
Session from:Business Valuation, Financial & Tax Issues in Divorce 2022: New and Future Issues – The Lasting Impact of COVID-19
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