
The Continuing Problems of Analyzing Medical Bills

This course deals with issues surrounding medical bill analysis in Workers' Compensation cases. If medical bills are protected in the terms along with Utilization Review, how is amount due determined? How can utilization review disputes be resolved? How can co-payments be recovered. Originally presented as part of the Workers’ Compensation Institute 2024: How to Handle High Stakes Claims Plus How to Avoid Having Robots Write Your Brief.
Credits: 0.5 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
SKU: P9001-24R-05
$30.00 or 0.50 credits
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This course deals with issues surrounding medical bill analysis in Workers' Compensation cases. If medical bills are protected in the terms along with Utilization Review, how is amount due determined? How can utilization review disputes be resolved? How can co-payments be recovered.

John J. Castaneda, Castaneda Law Office, Chicago
Paul A. Krauter, Evans & Dixon LLC, Chicago

EXPIRES: 3/1/2026

This course deals with issues surrounding medical bill analysis in Workers' Compensation cases. If medical bills are protected in the terms along with Utilization Review, how is amount due determined? How can utilization review disputes be resolved? How can co-payments be recovered.

John J. Castaneda, Castaneda Law Office, Chicago
Paul A. Krauter, Evans & Dixon LLC, Chicago

EXPIRES: 3/1/2026

Products specifications
Program Date3/7/2024
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