Select from a variety of individual sessions all originally presented at the IICLE® Taking, Holding, and Transferring Illinois Real Estate Titles 2024. Featuring a range of topics for the Illinois real estate attorney, these programs are available for immediate purchase and viewing online on-demand at your convenience. Alternatively, you can purchase and view the entire program by clicking here.
Acquire strategies for maximizing the benefits of the Illinois Land Trust. Gain practical insights, navigate legal intricacies, and equip yourself with valuable tools to optimize outcomes for your clients involved in land transactions in Illinois. Originally presented as part of the
Taking, Holding, and Transferring Illinois Real Estate Titles 2024.P2207-24R-06
Essential insights into effective strategies for enforcement and collections from the creditor's standpoint. Gain practical knowledge on navigating legal nuances, optimizing collection efforts, and ensuring efficient enforcement procedures. This session is designed to equip practitioners with key tools and perspectives vital for success in the realm of creditor rights. Originally presented as part of the
Taking, Holding, and Transferring Illinois Real Estate Titles 2024.P2207-24R-05
Delve into effective title examination strategies that align with succession planning goals and unravel the intricacies of real estate titles within the context of family law. Navigate the complexities of transferring property through succession planning and gain valuable insights into optimizing family law considerations related to real estate assets. From probate implications to marital property considerations, leave equipped with the tools needed to navigate the intricate web of real estate titles within the broader realms of succession planning and family law. Originally presented as part of the
Taking, Holding, and Transferring Illinois Real Estate Titles 2024.
Explore the intricate intersection of Real Estate Titles and Estate Planning and Administration. Delve into clients’ common estate planning goals for real estate and the best instruments & tools to carry out those goals. Be wary of titling or transfers to multiple beneficiaries having shared ownership rights and responsibilities in real estate, which often leads to dispute. Uncover pitfalls and misconceptions with living trusts, land trusts, joint tenancy with non-spouses, and transfer on death instruments (such as accidental disinheritance, exposure of assets to waste or creditors, unequal inheritances among beneficiaries, and more). Gain insights into the best practices for streamlining the transfer of real property to address a client’s (and client’s spouse’s) future disability and death. Learn the benefits of selling real estate during probate and trust administration, and which legal document/instrument to prepare and record. Obtain practical knowledge and real-world examples to enhance your proficiency and deliver optimal client outcomes. Originally presented as part of the
Taking, Holding, and Transferring Illinois Real Estate Titles 2024.Loading more products ...