
Ethical Issues in Distressed Real Estate

Be alert to specific ethical issues for Illinois attorneys that involve matters pertaining to distressed real estate and learn about best practices for handling these issues when they arise.
Credits: 0 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 1 Other PR
SKU: P2211-22R-04
$60.00 or 1.00 credits
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Faculty Panel:

Samuel H. Levine, Downey & Lenkov, LLC

Erica Crohn Minchella, Minchella & Associates, LTD

James V. Noonan, Noonan & Lieberman

Kathleen Robson Gordon, Robson & Lopez, LLC

Stephen Saporta, Saporta Law Offices

Ralph J. Schumann, The Law Offices of Ralph J. Schumann



Faculty Panel:

Samuel H. Levine, Downey & Lenkov, LLC

Erica Crohn Minchella, Minchella & Associates, LTD

James V. Noonan, Noonan & Lieberman

Kathleen Robson Gordon, Robson & Lopez, LLC

Stephen Saporta, Saporta Law Offices

Ralph J. Schumann, The Law Offices of Ralph J. Schumann



Products specifications
Program DateDecember 7, 2022
Media TypeOnline On-Demand
CategoryReal Estate
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