
How to Ethically Take Charge of Your Professional and Personal Life

Cynthia Sharp of The Sharper Lawyer shares her peak performance framework that helps lawyers build for change, manage time and resources, and achieve firm goals according to chosen performance indicators.
Credits: 0 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 1 Other PR
SKU: TSL2500-R
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Through incorporating ethical requirements governing the profession, Cynthia Sharp of the Sharper Lawyer outlines specific tools for growing strong professional and supportive personal lives. In Take Charge of Your Professional and Personal Life, Cynthia shares her peak performance framework that helps lawyers build for change, manage time and resources, and achieve firm goals according to chosen performance indicators. Let Cynthia show you how overcoming limiting stories, fear of failure, and procrastination while maintaining focus on an activity plan for manageable growth can create positive change in your professional and personal life.

Expires 1/1/2027

Through incorporating ethical requirements governing the profession, Cynthia Sharp of the Sharper Lawyer outlines specific tools for growing strong professional and supportive personal lives. In Take Charge of Your Professional and Personal Life, Cynthia shares her peak performance framework that helps lawyers build for change, manage time and resources, and achieve firm goals according to chosen performance indicators. Let Cynthia show you how overcoming limiting stories, fear of failure, and procrastination while maintaining focus on an activity plan for manageable growth can create positive change in your professional and personal life.

Expires 1/1/2027
