
Guarantee & Shipping Policy

Guarantee: If you are not satisfied with your purchase of any IICLE® publication, you may return it within 30 days of receiving it and request a merchandise credit or refund. Any special discounts applied to the original order will be recalculated to account for returned merchandise. IICLE® does not provide refunds for any unsealed audio or CD product returns. IICLE® will replace defective CDs. Please enclose the packing list that accompanied the order with any return. IICLE® uses and recommends UPS for shipping for delivery verification.

Shipping Policy: IICLE® ships most orders by close of the business day following the receipt of the order in Springfield. Regular ground shipping via UPS is FREE to any location in the continental United States.

International Shipping:  Please telephone a customer representative at (800) 252-8062 for information about shipping outside the continental United States.

Rush Shipping: IICLE® may be able to provide guaranteed next-day delivery via UPS Overnight.  Any next-day delivery requests must be received by 2 p.m. of the day prior to the requested delivery date to be eligible for next-day delivery.  There will be a $5 handling fee per item in addition to all UPS charges for next-day delivery orders.

Chicago Sales Outlet: In addition to the Springfield and Chicago IICLE® offices, most IICLE® handbook titles are available for purchase at The Chicago Bar Association bookstore, located at 321 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago, (312) 554-2130. We recommend calling the CBA in advance to check availability. CBA bookstore purchases will incur a 10.25% sales tax charge.
