
Local Government Law

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Case Law and Legislative Update 2024 – Local Government Law

The Courts, the Illinois General Assembly, and the US Congress were very busy in 2024 on multiple critically important matters related to governmental bodies at all levels. Cover the most important judicial and legislative activities from 2024 and their impacts on Illinois local government.

Originally presented as part of Local Government Law Institute 2024.

Land Use Law: Practice and Procedure 2025 Edition

This handbook is an advanced guide about about land use, municipal, or construction.
From $130.00

Navigating Administrative Hearings

This course provides attorneys with knowledge and practical skills to navigate administrative hearings effectively including: the hearing process (generally), administrative review (generally), school and local government administrative hearings and employment hearings.

Property Tax Enforcement in Flux

This course explores the pivotal U.S. Supreme Court case Tyler v. Hennepin County, which has significant implications for property tax enforcement in Illinois and beyond.

Local Government Law Institute 2024

The 12th Annual Local Government Law Institute, a vital program for attorneys in local government law. We will cover key updates on caselaw, legislation, due process in administrative hearings, state and federal tort immunity, takings, impact fees, zoning, planning, and election law. The program also includes an ethics session on secondary trauma and imposter syndrome, addressing the unique challenges faced by government law attorneys. This is an essential opportunity to stay current and effective in your practice.
From $175.00

An Introduction to Commercial Wind & Solar Law

This course provides an introductory overview of the laws and regulations that govern installation and operation of commercial wind and solar facilities in Illinois.

Burden Shifting in Undue Influence Cases

This course addresses the law in Illinois for challenging an estate plan based on undue influence, the presumption that may arise in such cases when a fiduciary is involved, and the process for shifting the burden.

Ranked Choice Voting – Advocacy to Adoption

Satisfaction with politics in the US has been stagnating at near historic lows, which has led voters to look for solutions. The fastest growing reform efforts is Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). This program examines the benefits of RCV and how it might be implemented in Illinois.

An Introduction to the Cannabis Regulation & Tax Act

This course provides an introduction and overview of Illinois’ Cannabis Regulation & Tax Act. It includes a discussion of some of the issues faced by the state, and prospective businesses, in implementing the law, as well as a general outline of what the law includes.

Conflicts of Interest in Municipal Law

Municipal law by its very nature is more prone to conflicts of interest than other areas of the law. Richard Gleason of the ARDC breaks down the rules around conflicts of interest, as well as how they apply specifically to government law attorneys. Learn how to most effectively serve your clients while also staying on the good side of the ARDC. Originally presented as part of the 11th Annual Local Government Law Institute.

Representing Counties: Managing Contending Authorities and Jurisdictions

This course addresses a variety of topics of importance when dealing with the mix of elected officials and independent agencies found at the county level. Topics include seeking state indemnification for elected officials under the State Employee Indemnification Act; 1983 Defense: prosecutorial immunities and claims against correctional facilities for failure to provide medical services; independent agencies’ funding and representation; Property Tax Appeal Board jurisdiction vis a vis the circuit court, associational standing, and county Board of Review assessment authority versus township assessors. Originally presented as part of the 11th Annual Local Government Law Institute.

A Chat With the PAC

Attorneys from the Public Access Bureau of the Office of the Illinois Attorney General discuss binding and non-binding opinions on challenging Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Open Meetings Act (OMA) issues. Originally presented as part of the 11th Annual Local Government Law Institute.
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