Discovery is key to effective representation. Know what document production is required at the initial stages of a divorce case and the evidentiary value of recorded conversations, text messages, Facebook messages, emails, and other communications.
Learn the nuts and bolts of drafting a comprehensive parenting allocation judgment. Recognize common drafting pitfalls and how to avoid them. Discuss sample parenting time and holiday schedules. Get pointers on preparing your client for mediation.
The financial affidavit is the divorce lawyer’s greatest tool. Learn how to prepare the affidavit with your client and how to avoid pitfalls and sanctionable offenses. Understand how to effectively disclose and discover income, assets, expenses and debts.
Gain valuable information and tips on how to start your case with a beneficial initial consultation. Learn about red flags to watch for. Expedite your client’s case through the use of effective pleadings. Included in this session are samples for just about everything.
Essential guide for attorneys dealing with complicated property and financial concerns in a dissolution of marriage action.
This comprehensive program goes in-depth into the information Illinois attorneys need to take a divorce case from start to finish. Experienced family law attorneys share practical tips, numerous forms, and step-by-step guidance to assist you in advising clients every step of the way.
This handbook helps attorneys protect the children of parties going through a dissolution action.
Complete guide to prenuptial and postnuptial agreements
The 2022 IICLE® Family Law Institute will get you up to date on important issues facing matrimonial attorneys. Gain a better knowledge of cryptocurrencies, and working effectively with GAL's. Better understand Reunification Therapy, and the limited use of 604.10 (b) Evaluators. Learn best practices for cohabitation agreements as well as when and how to use tracing during a dissipation claim. We will end the day with a Judges' Panel specifically dealing with the Financial Affidavit.
An Unscripted Demonstration of Effective Psychological Expert Examinations in Relocation Trials
Learn from experienced Academy Fellows as they conduct an unscripted examination of a psychological consulting expert in the context of a child relocation case. You'll get to see a demonstration of how to effectively examine these expert witnesses and learn from the presenters as they share with you the why and how of their examples.
You'll also have the opportunity to go in depth with the faculty on other topics, including:
Principles of contempt
Plus, hear the judicial perspective during the judges' panel!
Not included in IICLE® Online All-Access subscription.19CSMCG
This targeted reference guide assists attorneys calculating child support and spousal maintenance.
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