
Estate Tax Planning for Beginners

This course focuses on strategies you can implement in the foundational estate plan documents you put in place for clients using revocable living trusts. Included are overviews of the federal estate tax, Illinois estate tax, and a variety of trusts. Originally presented as part of the Estate Planning for the 99%.
Credits: 1 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
SKU: P1904-23R-02
$60.00 or 1.00 credits
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This course focuses on strategies you can implement in the foundational estate plan documents you put in place for clients using revocable living trusts. More advanced strategies involving gifting to irrevocable trusts, while important, are outside the scope of this course. The course begins with an overview of the federal estate tax, portability, and Illinois estate tax. Other topics include the estate tax marital deduction, as well as discussion of various trusts, including tax- sheltered trusts, disclaimer trusts, and QTip trusts.

Shawn M. McCullough, Harrison, LLP, Chicago

Expires: 1/1/26

This course focuses on strategies you can implement in the foundational estate plan documents you put in place for clients using revocable living trusts. More advanced strategies involving gifting to irrevocable trusts, while important, are outside the scope of this course. The course begins with an overview of the federal estate tax, portability, and Illinois estate tax. Other topics include the estate tax marital deduction, as well as discussion of various trusts, including tax- sheltered trusts, disclaimer trusts, and QTip trusts.

Shawn M. McCullough, Harrison, LLP, Chicago

Expires: 1/1/26

Products specifications
Program Date12/08/23
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