Select from a variety of individual sessions all originally presented at the IICLE® Estate Planning for the 99%. This program is designed exclusively for Illinois attorneys who are committed to mastering the nuances of estate planning for modest estates. These programs are available for immediate purchase and viewing online on-demand at your convenience.
This course discusses the process of building up your book of business in your trusts & estates legal practice. Topics include: Moving into your own practice, business infrastructure, issues once you have started, staffing, use of Artificial Intelligence, and adding partners. Originally presented as part of the
Estate Planning for the 99%.P1904-23R-05
As an estate planner, your focus is on how your client’s assets will be preserved, managed, and distributed after their death. But what happens when the client dies, and you are contacted by the fiduciary or heir to handle settling their estate? Originally presented as part of the
Estate Planning for the 99%.P1904-23R-04
Navigating the availability of retirement plans, such as 401(k), 403(b), profit-sharing, IRAs and similar plans represents one of the few remaining ways in which members of the middle-class can engage in meaningful tax planning in the era following the enactment of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act in 20171. Originally presented as part of the
Estate Planning for the 99%.P1904-23R-03
Planning for a disability should be part of any discussion during estate planning. This course addresses topics that should be a part of this conversation. These include Powers of Attorney, and the possible inclusion of enabling the agent to make gifts of the principal's property and beneficiary designations. The course also involves discussion of the estate plan as a living document that needs regular review and updating. A discussion of various trusts is included. Originally presented as part of the
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