
IICLE® Ethics Bundle 2024

The IICLE® Ethics Bundle is your complete solution to fulfilling your Illinois MCLE Professional Responsibility requirements. We've taken 6 pre-selected hours of online on-demand programs with approved Ethics and Professional Responsibility credit and combined them in one bundle at an affordable price.

This curated collection includes all the sessions you need to fulfill your professional responsibility credit requirements for your reporting period. Covering a broad spectrum of topics in each required professional responsibility credit area, including mental health/substance abuse and diversity/inclusion, this bundle ensures that you are not only compliant with Illinois MCLE requirements, but are also well-prepared to navigate the complex ethical landscape of legal practice.
Credits: 0 General, 2.5 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 1 MH/SA PR, 2.5 Other PR
SKU: Ethics2425
$250.00 or 6.00 credits
decrease increase

The IICLE® Ethics Bundle includes all of the general and professional responsibility credits (including Mental Health and Wellness and Diversity and Inclusion credits) that you need to comply with Illinois minimum continuing legal education requirements. All recordings are approved by the Illinois MCLE Board for MCLE credit.

IICLE Ethics Bundle 2024 contains:

The IICLE® Ethics Bundle includes all of the general and professional responsibility credits (including Mental Health and Wellness and Diversity and Inclusion credits) that you need to comply with Illinois minimum continuing legal education requirements. All recordings are approved by the Illinois MCLE Board for MCLE credit.

IICLE Ethics Bundle 2024 contains:

Products specifications
CategoryEthics & Professional Responsibility
CategoryDiversity & Inclusion
CategoryMental Health & Substance Abuse
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