
DuPage County Bar Association

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Obtaining Settlement Approval in a Minor’s Case

This course addresses the issues faced by attorneys when they are required to obtain court approval of a settlement involving a minor. The presentation will cover the interplay between common law, local court rules, and the Probate Act.

Developments in Independent Contractor Law

Recent changes in independent contractor law, including stricter penalties for misclassification and evolving rules on restrictive covenants, could significantly impact businesses. The program explores these developments and their real-world implications for employers, emphasizing the importance of compliance.

Navigating Administrative Hearings

This course provides attorneys with knowledge and practical skills to navigate administrative hearings effectively including: the hearing process (generally), administrative review (generally), school and local government administrative hearings and employment hearings.

Obtaining Settlement Approval in Death Cases

This course addresses the issues faced by attorneys when they are required to obtain court approval of a settlement on behalf of personal injury client who has died or in Wrongful Death Act case. The presentation will cover the interplay between the Wrongful Death Act, Survival Statute, and Probate Act.

How to File Your First Guardianship Case

In this program (geared toward lawyers with little or no experience in guardianship court), you will learn what steps must be taken before the appointment of a guardian, what to expect on your first court appearance, and what to do after the Court enters a guardianship order.

Immigration Meets Divorce

This program provides a brief overview of the topics and concerns that impact immigration status when divorce is involved.

How to Avoid the Unhappy Unfunded Trust

The estate plan all too often offers little value to the family if the post-signing “funding phase” of the estate plan is not given both careful consideration of strategy on an asset-by-asset basis coupled with making absolute certain that the client implements the strategy.

Key Provisions in Commercial Financing Documentation and Transactions (DCBA)

This program provides an overview of typical documents required for a commercial financing transaction, key provisions to be included in said documentation, and pitfalls to be aware of and avoid from both the borrowers and lender’s perspective.

Demystifying the Transgender Laws (DCBA)

Every day, the law is evolving related to the rights of transgender individuals. This session will discuss the terminology, state and federal laws related to accommodation of transgender populations.

Estate Planning and Probate Issues Faced by Immigrants

This course addresses special issues in estate planning and probate cases faced by immigrants in Illinois and potential solutions to those issues.

Traffic Court Basics for New Attorneys

Traffic court is often a new attorney's first interaction with the court system. This program aims to inform those lawyers about proper procedure and processes so that they might make the most out of their appearance.
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