
Construction Disputes and Defect Litigation

The program discusses: general and high-level issues of construction disputes, how construction defect litigation happens and tips to keep costs and time of litigation down, general background knowledge of defenses that can be raised and consideration of the impact of insurance on defect litigation.
Credits: 1 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
SKU: P2302-23R
$60.00 or 1.00 credits
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The program discusses: general and high-level issues of construction disputes, how construction defect litigation happens and tips to keep costs and time of litigation down, general background knowledge of defenses that can be raised and consideration of the impact of insurance on defect litigation.


Adam C. Toosley, Hirzel Law



The program discusses: general and high-level issues of construction disputes, how construction defect litigation happens and tips to keep costs and time of litigation down, general background knowledge of defenses that can be raised and consideration of the impact of insurance on defect litigation.


Adam C. Toosley, Hirzel Law



Products specifications
Program Date4/1/2023
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