
Business Law: Choice of Entity 2024 Edition

Comprehensive manual for advising your client in choosing the most appropriate form of business entity as well as the specifics of organizing and operating a corporation.

Clients who want to organize a business need your guidance to select the best business form and build a framework for getting that business off the ground. This is your reference for understanding how to choose the most appropriate form of business entity as well as the specifics of organizing and operating a corporation. Additional topics include an analysis of the tax consequences of choosing to operate in a given business form, the fiduciary duties your client may owe to the business and the consequences of violating those duties, and business breakups. This thorough resource also includes numerous editable forms for organizing and operating a corporation, including a shareholders’ agreement, to save you hours of valuable time.

Chapter 1 — Selection of the Business Entity
Anthony J. Jacob and Constance M. Mayer, Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP, Chicago

Chapter 2 — Tax Considerations in Entity Selection
Reviewed by IICLE staff.

Chapter 3 — Fiduciary Duties
Charles W. Murdock, Loyola University School of Law, Chicago

Chapter 4 — Formation of Illinois Corporations
Dennis E. Merkley, Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC, Peoria

Chapter 5 — Shareholders’ Agreements
Miriam Leskovar Burkland, Mary A. Corrigan, and Sarah K. Billington, Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC, Peoria

Chapter 6 — Corporate Operating and Maintenance Issues
Todd M. Young and Constance M. Mayer, Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP, Chicago

Chapter 7 — S Corporations
Anthony J. Jacob, Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP, Chicago

Chapter 8 — Professional and Medical Corporations
Daniel Cotter, Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC, Peoria

Chapter 9 — The Illinois Franchise Tax
Samantha K. Breslow, HMB Legal Counsel, Chicago

Chapter 10 — Business Breakups
Pamela E. Hart and R. Stephen Scott, Scott and Scott, Springfield

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Clients who want to organize a business need your guidance to select the best business form and build a framework for getting that business off the ground. This is your reference for understanding how to choose the most appropriate form of business entity as well as the specifics of organizing and operating a corporation. Additional topics include an analysis of the tax consequences of choosing to operate in a given business form, the fiduciary duties your client may owe to the business and the consequences of violating those duties, and business breakups. This thorough resource also includes numerous editable forms for organizing and operating a corporation, including a shareholders’ agreement, to save you hours of valuable time.

Chapter 1 — Selection of the Business Entity
Anthony J. Jacob and Constance M. Mayer, Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP, Chicago

Chapter 2 — Tax Considerations in Entity Selection
Reviewed by IICLE staff.

Chapter 3 — Fiduciary Duties
Charles W. Murdock, Loyola University School of Law, Chicago

Chapter 4 — Formation of Illinois Corporations
Dennis E. Merkley, Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC, Peoria

Chapter 5 — Shareholders’ Agreements
Miriam Leskovar Burkland, Mary A. Corrigan, and Sarah K. Billington, Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC, Peoria

Chapter 6 — Corporate Operating and Maintenance Issues
Todd M. Young and Constance M. Mayer, Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP, Chicago

Chapter 7 — S Corporations
Anthony J. Jacob, Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP, Chicago

Chapter 8 — Professional and Medical Corporations
Daniel Cotter, Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC, Peoria

Chapter 9 — The Illinois Franchise Tax
Samantha K. Breslow, HMB Legal Counsel, Chicago

Chapter 10 — Business Breakups
Pamela E. Hart and R. Stephen Scott, Scott and Scott, Springfield

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Media TypePublications
CategoryCorporate & Commercial