
Elements of Illinois Law: Practicing Ethically 2023 Edition

In this guide, Mary F. Andreoni, Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission Senior Ethics Education Counsel, examines the intricacies of ethical legal practice in Illinois.

All attorneys are held to strict ethical standards and must be familiar with the Rules of Professional Conduct, know how to structure office procedures and systems to minimize potential ethical problems, and recognize the ethical issues that may arise in their practice. This handbook, authored by Mary F. Andreoni, Illinois Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission Senior Ethics Education Counsel, will help you fulfill your ethical duties and meet the highest standards of the legal profession. It covers managing the attorney-client relationship, including effective communication, fee and billing issues, and potential conflicts; attorney registration and MCLE requirements; and the ARDC investigation and disciplinary process. Also included is a lengthy appendix, which provides sample record-keeping account forms for client trust accounts, Internet resources, caselaw, Ethics Advisory Opinions, and applicable excerpts from the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Mary F. Andreoni, Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission, Chicago

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All attorneys are held to strict ethical standards and must be familiar with the Rules of Professional Conduct, know how to structure office procedures and systems to minimize potential ethical problems, and recognize the ethical issues that may arise in their practice. This handbook, authored by Mary F. Andreoni, Illinois Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission Senior Ethics Education Counsel, will help you fulfill your ethical duties and meet the highest standards of the legal profession. It covers managing the attorney-client relationship, including effective communication, fee and billing issues, and potential conflicts; attorney registration and MCLE requirements; and the ARDC investigation and disciplinary process. Also included is a lengthy appendix, which provides sample record-keeping account forms for client trust accounts, Internet resources, caselaw, Ethics Advisory Opinions, and applicable excerpts from the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Mary F. Andreoni, Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission, Chicago

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Media TypePublications
CategoryEthics & Professional Responsibility
CategoryPractice Basics