Gain a working knowledge of the federal guidelines that govern the use of endorsements and testimonials in social media marketing.
Learn the highlights on circuit splits and key cases, including the ongoing 9th Circuit appeal in VHT, Inc. v. Zillow Group, Inc., which may affect damage valuations throughout the country and dictate best practices registering large collections without compromising recovery.
Gain a working knowledge of music publishing and copyright law as it relates to the compulsory mechanical license framework set out in § 115 of the Copyright Act.
Gain a working knowledge of the legal framework surrounding the return to work of artists and arts organizations in the wake of COVID-19.
Gain a working knowledge of copyright law and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, specifically as it pertains to the notice and takedown process.
Gain a working knowledge of copyright law, specifically as it pertains to copyright litigation.
Gain a working knowledge of specialized area of arts law required to represent the LCA Visual Artist and to provide Information and analysis of the common provisions and issues involved in drafting consignment of art agreements. Originally presented by Lawyers for the Creative Arts.
Gain a working knowledge of specialized area of arts law required to represent the LCA Arts Client in trademark matters.
Gain a working knowledge of specialized area of arts law required to represent the LCA Music Client and to provide information and analysis of the common provisions and issues involved in drafting agreements with record labels. Originally presented by Lawyers for the Creative Arts.
Gain a working knowledge of specialized area of arts law required to represent the LCA Client and to provide information and analysis of the common concepts and issues involved in representing small arts-related nonprofit organizations.
Gain a working knowledge of specialized area of arts law required to represent the LCA Music Client in the creation and protection of musical compositions. Originally presented by Lawyers for the Creative Arts.
Gain a working knowledge of specialized area of arts law required to represent the LCA Music Client in the creation and protection of sound recordings. Originally presented by Lawyers for the Creative Arts.
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